Finally Adding the New Feature I've Longed For!
That one thing I trully believe should be exist if you have a personal website
I've been wanting to add a notes/blog feature to this website for what feels like ages. But, to be honest, I kept coming up with excuses and never really found the time to work on this feature.
But hey, it's finally here! With the recent website rebuild, I managed to squeeze in some extra hours to introduce this fantastic new addition.
Hint: From now on, I will refer it as 'Notes', and not 'Blog'. But it is the exact same meaning and purpose.
I absolutely love writing. There's something special about having your dedicated space for it. While I've been using Hashnode as my main blogging platform, I found myself craving more customization options. I also don't need a bunch of fancy features to write. All I really need is a simple text editor, and my thoughts can wander freely.
This note you're currently reading? It's crafted in markdown format: plain, simple, and flexible. You can use various tools for this - a basic notepad or even a more advanced IDE with a Markdown-preview feature if that suits your style.
And just like that, one thing led to another, and here we are - this feature is now live! Stay tuned for more of my musings and updates coming your way soon. 🚀
Oh, should I move the other notes here as well?